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2nd year was instantly much more intense than 1st year. I have straight away become a lot more hands on with my approach to art. I selected to take part in a 3D work shop from weeks 2-5 and that has made me much more aware of the potential in sculptural work. I have chosen to base my project around the idea of perceptions following on from first year where I noticed that my perception of a place can easily be warped and changed. Every ones perceptions are completely different, what one person sees as blue another sees as green. This concept really fascinates me, I want to use this project to explore the social aspect of perceptions. I want to see how different ages, genders, social status and ethnicity effects how people are treated and how they respond to the world around them. The main focus of this project will be on what it means to be British and what it means to be a female.

This semester was mainly about using new materials and learning new techniques whilst questioning my own opinions and perceptions. I wanted to see how materials can have a role in how we interact with objects and how they can inform or trick our perceptions. Humour became quite an important aspect of this project as stereotypes are often viewed to be quite humorous, so I wanted to keep the outcomes fairly light hearted in order to play with the idea that stereotypes can be funny but also can have underlying insinuations that can become offensive and harmful.


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